Will I be able to obtain loans after filing bankruptcy in Arizona? Once you have filed for bankruptcy or received your discharge, there are probably many questions floating around your head. One important question is how you can obtain loans for life purchases, such as buying a vehicle or a home. There are still ways […]
Should I file for bankruptcy? Evaluating your Situation. by the Arizona Bankruptcy Attorneys of Ariano & Reppucci, PLLC While you may contemplate filing bankruptcy because of unmanageable debt in your individual or business situation, it is important to do a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether it is the best route for you. An analysis of […]
Are you wondering about the aftermath of bankruptcy? What happens to your credit after bankruptcy? Have you consulted an experienced Arizona bankruptcy attorney? Life after receiving your discharge for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be relieving but also confusing. You may be wondering what to do now and how the bankruptcy […]